Church News

111120 of 148 items

“To Worship or Not to Worship”

by Brad

Hypocrisy is part of fallen human nature. Cain pretended to worship in truth, but his worship was not an accepted (Genesis 4:3-5). Likewise, people often think because they go to worship in church, all is well regardless of how they live their lives. Similarly, people in Jeremiah’s day thought they could live godless lives and […]

Tell God Thank You!

by Brad

Are you one of those people like myself who goes to the gym (not as much as I should) and workout? You don’t have to be there long before you begin noticing those who diligently hit the weights. They are the ones who go there regularly and exercise and until sweat drips from every pore. […]

T-shirts Galore

by admin

Summer Break is almost here… which means T-shirt season is on the horizon! VBS T-shirts! While you do not have to order your VBS t-shirt from us, we would be happy to save you a trip to the store! If you would like to purchase one, please place your order by Wednesday, May 22.   […]

Ready to See Jesus

by Brad
Brad Patterson

A Sunday School teacher was teaching her class of children about Heaven. She wanted them to understand the importance of believing in Jesus so she asked them, “Now, boys and girls, what do you have to do to go to Heaven?” One little boy shot his hand up and said, “You have to die!” Are […]


by Brad

I’ve been sitting at my desk for the past hour trying to decide the direction God wants us to go with our messages and at this point I’m not completely sure. I want to begin a message series through the book of Galatians, however with summer quickly approaching, children getting ready for break, and families […]

Talent Night!

by admin

First Baptist Henderson is hosting a church-wide Talent Night this Saturday, May 4th!! We would love to have you come! There is no cover charge, but donations will be accepted at the door. All proceeds will go to our Children’s Camp fund! Come enjoy great music, fellowship, and help send our kids to camp!! We […]

PraiseKids End Of The Year Party!

by admin

When: May 4th Time: 9:30AM-12Noon Activities: 10:00-10:30: Singing at Southern Oaks Assisted Living 10:30-11:30: Dress Rehearsal for Talent Night 11:30-12:00: PIZZA PARTY!

Time to Grow

by Brad
Brad Patterson

When you fill out an application you may be asked to give your highest level of education. You can check “high school diploma,” “college degree,” “graduate school degree,” or “post- graduate.” If you were filling out an application asking your level of spiritual maturity, what would you check? Kindergarten? Grammar school? High School? Graduate school? […]


by Brad
Brad Patterson

“Who was the man in the Bible who lived to be older than anyone else?” If you said, “Methuselah lived to be 969 years old,” you’d be right. People often wonder how and why people lived such long lives before the flood. Some experts suggest many of life-shortening diseases and germs weren’t around before the flood. But […]

A Great, Big Thank You!

by admin

Parents, Kids, and Church Family: I would like to thank you all for your participation in the Yard Sale last weekend. We raised $855.00 for Children’s Camp! So many of you were so generous with your time and your donations. The Children’s Department truly thanks you!   I will be out of the office Monday […]