It’s final, 2014 is no more, we have moved into a New Year with revised and/or new goals and dreams. I Love to dream! It’s my dreams that keep me motivated to get something accomplished in the New Year. It’s my dreams that help me plan for a better brighter future for my family, myself, and my church. For many, it’s the same ole dreams: to exercise more, eat better, go back to school, obtain a better job and etc.

Don’t make the mistake of looking back over last years attempts to realize dreams gone wrong; instead, use those failed attempts to better plan and prioritize in 2015!! We often make plans in a nonchalant manner that says to self, “Self, I think I’ll go on a diet this year.” Or “Self, I think I’ll exercise more this year.” Only to realize shortly after beginning that you haven’t really decided anything.

Friends, it isn’t that you fail; it’s that you don’t plan, prepare, and prioritize.  Take a better strategically motivated route this year by sitting down and writing down your goals. It’s great to have HUGH dreams. I hope that you aim for the stars, but in order to hit them you must have the right FOCUS and a strategy. Therefore, you must take small steps in hopes of achieving those goals.

Make your goals reachable by planning well. Know the route you will take and have planned points along the way for you to stop and evaluate your progress. I believe those planned stops can help you stay the course with encouragement and refueling. Plan well!


“The plans of the diligent certainly lead to profit, but those of everyone who is hasty, surely leads to poverty.”  Proverbs 21:5